Skintact dressing is suitable for the management of minor wounds, cuts and grazes and is ideal for use in chiropody thanks to the two low adherent sides, for use between toes. PECHINEY SA Parafilm M Laboratory Film 5cm x 15m 1roll - Parafilm M is a versatile, moisture-resistant, thermoplastic flexible plastic film for a wide range. The dressing is the same on both sides so any side can be quickly applied without worrying about the right or the wrong side. The perforations allow drainage of exudate to the absorbent layer where fluid is wicked laterally, reducing dressing change frequency. Mepitel may remain applied for up to 14 days, depending on the condition. It consists of two layers of perforated film with an inner absorbent layer. Why the 6x4.5cm film size 6x4.5cm is an ideal' negative format because it enlarges to the standard 8x10 picture size with minimal cropping and film waste. Mepitel Film 5cm x 7.5cm n/sterile silicone sticker. Bahkan ketika akan mulai memuncak tiba-tiba ceritanya datar lagi. Dari menit awal ceritanya sangat datar, hanya menceritakan persahabatan para tokohnya, kebiasaan mereka berlima, aktivitas mereka sehari-hari. Cestra Skintact is a perforated film absorbent dressing that is used as a low adherent wound contact layer. Jalan ceritanya dari yang datar tiba-tiba langsung naik ke konflik utama.